It's that time!

Major Award Nominations

We'll begin accepting all major award nominations as early as January 6th. Please use the form below to submit your nominations.

Major Awards

Submit Your Nominations

Note: You must specifically describe the event/incident/action being recognized.

Below is a box to enter the nomination write-up/details which show the individual deserves recognition from the OWLE in the award category submitted. Be specific as to why the officer/member should be considered for the award so the OWLE Awards Committee can give the nomination full consideration.

Do not include in the submission names of family members, accused or victims; do not use acronyms or letter abbreviations.

This section is limited to 750 words.

OWLE may use award photos, names and organization information in a manner consistent with furthering OWLE’s goals and gaining recognition for OWLE. We may publish OWLE recipient details, photos, names and organization on our Website and use award details, photos, names and organizations in print, our publication, and similar uses as deemed necessary to broadcast OWLE to an audience.

If the organization or the individual will not authorize release or grant permission, we cannot accept that individual for consideration. Individuals’ chosen will be deemed to have agreed to OWLE’s publication and use without a requirement for additional release or signature being obtained.